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Northampton Urban Forestry Commission

Northampton’s seven-member Urban Forestry Commission, which includes the City’s Tree Warden, works to grow and protect the City’s public shade tree canopy

The Commission meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month, 4:30-6:00 pm. Each meeting begins with a public comment period and public input and volunteer support are welcome!

Northampton Tree Warden

Massachusetts Tree Wardens and Foresters Assn. – What is a Tree Warden?

Northampton My Tree Keeper: A map that tracks every tree on public land in Northampton. When you click on a specific tree, it shows detailed information, including photos of the species, the cost and benefit of each tree in dollars.

Northampton Public Shade Tree Commission Charter

In the News

Local Connections: The Evolution of Urban Forestry in Northampton By Ashley M. McElhinney & Rick W. Harper

Northampton strives to restore diminished urban canopy; seeks volunteers to plant 160 trees

Where should shade trees be planted in Northampton? City seeks input from residents

The New Yorker: What is a Tree Worth?   A new study found that an additional ten trees on a given block corresponded to a one-per-cent increase in how healthy nearby residents felt.

Information Sources

Urban Tree Selection in a Changing Climate

UMass: Long-term Drought Effects on Trees and Shrubs

Urban Forestry Today: Webcasts Picks and Shovels: Urban and Community Forestry FAQs, Resources, and Fact Sheets

Specific Tree Information

Cornell University: Woody Plants Database

Cornell University: Recommended Urban Trees Collection

Wikipedia: List of trees and shrubs by taxonomic family

Pests and Disease

USDA: Asian Longhorned Beetle: Annotated Host List

USDA Invasive Pests